Today, The 6th of May marks the Teachers Appreciation Day. The question is at the pace of educational "reforms", technology inclusion and all, do teachers matter?
It seems common sense that teachers matter, even if it's not easy being a teacher today.
Teacher quality is the single most important factor in student learning within a school’s power to influence.
According to Angela Maiers "As the pace of education "reform" heats up, we need to remind ourselves of these two undeniable words: Teachers matter."
Indeed, teachers matter more now than ever.
9 Things Teachers Do Gladly
- You do what you are born to do. You do what you are called to do.
- You do what students need you to do.
- You make time to touch their hearts every day.
- You look into students' eyes, and they see in yours that you love them.
- You serve as the voice of reason, courage and hope.
- You assure them with your poise and presence that the world is a beautiful place, and that they are beautiful creatures.
- You tell them that they matter, that they are geniuses, and that the world needs their contribution.
- You choose your words carefully, so that those words help students
envision success, stretch their thinking, and advance independent
behaviors and actions. Well-chosen, impactful words will stick with your
students the rest of their lives.
- You TEACH.
Your students need you more than
ever. There is nothing that you will allow to get in the way of your
changing the lives of your students -- for good.
No, it's not easy being a teacher today, but yes, teachers matter.
Teachers Make the Difference. "Thank God for teachers. Thank God you know what to do. Thank God you do what you do."
You were born to make an impact. Accept that you matter. Accept that
your work and ideas count. Accept your role as agents of change.
Use what you have all the way.
You have the opportunity to stand for something. Do the people you
see each day KNOW they matter to you? Start now. Inspire many.
Imagine the possibilities.
You don’t need permission to speak up. It's time to act. Ask
yourself: What breaks your heart about the world? What are WE going to
do about it?
Don’t wait a single moment.
Get involved